Project Patchwork currently has five houses in the Portland area, which can serve up to 27 families. Our goal is to provide six months of clean and sober transitional housing to single parents and their children transitioning from inpatient treatment. We will consider working with guests who have a period of sobriety and are referred from one of our partner agencies. We are focused on working from a trauma informed lens, giving guests agency to reach their own goals and understand the impact of oppression due to institutionalized racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism and classism.
Guests who come into our home will be asked to enroll in outpatient treatment and be working towards their own identified goals. Guests will have a peer support person working with them to move towards their goals and a lifestyle of recovery from drugs and alcohol. We will provide the guest with case management to ensure their needs and their child’s needs are met.
If you are interested in becoming a referring agency for our housing, please send us an email.
Project Patchwork is supported by generous donors, a grant through Measure 110 and Multnomah County. Please consider volunteering, donating or just becoming a part of our community.
Shannon Getman-President
Shannon began her career working for ODHS Child Welfare in 1998, first as an SSA Visitation Coordinator and then as a caseworker in several genres, including juvenile delinquency matters. In January 2006, she accepted the opportunity to become a Deputy District Attorney Investigator for the Juvenile Department, working the same cases associated with ODHS. In February of 2012, she decided to become an independently contracted investigator, working federal cases (both civil and criminal), state cases (both civil and criminal), insurance cases, divorce and custody cases, and others…all while still working on ODHS child welfare cases for the defense side, also as an independently contracted private investigator. Working the three sides of the ODHS legal system for the past 20+ years provided Shannon a well-rounded view of how the system operates and lead her to joining the Parent Child Representation Program (PCRP), an interdisciplinary defense legal team model that is expanding across not only the state, but the entire nation. She is currently a independently contracted co-administrator of this PCRP program.
Justine Killsby-Secretary
Bio is coming!
Robert Langslet-Treasurer
Molly Griggs-Board Member
Bio is coming!
Donna Bowlby-Board Member
Bio is coming!
Juan Barraza-Board Member
Bio is coming!